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World Food Prize Foundation remembers Yuan Longping

2021-05-23 20:55:32 来源:chinadaily.com.cn  责任编辑:吴静  作者:
Norman Borlaug, winner of the Nobel Peace Prize in 1970 for his work in global agriculture, presents the World Food Prize to Yuan Longping on Oct 4, 2004, at the Iowa State Capitol Building.

Yuan Longping poses with Hannah Cox, a student on Borlaug-Ruan International Internships in 2007. [File photo provided by World Food Prize Foundation]

"Like Dr Borlaug, Professor Yuan was incredibly humble, never seeking fame or adulation, rather focused only on hard work and results that could help eradicate poverty and uplift people out of hunger," Quinn said.

In addition, Yuan similarly believed deeply in the power of science as the multiplier of the harvest. Using research and trials at his national center, he continued up until his final days to produce increasingly higher yielding super - hybrid plants, with panicles so filled with grain that they bend over giving the appearance of a "waterfall of rice", Quinn noted.

Reflecting his achievements that were developed in rice paddies closely observing and improving plants just as Chinese farmers do, Yuan always maintained a "down to earth" attitude, Quinn said in a statement made available to China Daily.

"He always seemed more at home in a farm field than an office, and was most comfortable in his working clothes, just as Norman Borlaug was," Quinn said.

Yuan was also a teacher, always ready to answer questions and especially to speak with young scientists and students, according to Quinn.

"The American high school student we sent to his research center each year always returned filled with knowledge and a deep desire to learn more," Quinn said.

Quinn, also vice-chairman of the International Rice Development Forum that Yuan created, said Yuan had been an inspirational figure just like Borlaug.

Addressing a four-day US-China Agriculture Roundtable sponsored by the US Heartland China Association from March 23, Quinn invoked the accomplishments of Yuan to inspire all of the participants in the symposium.

"Professor Yuan Longping, who was truly beloved in his country and by all of us who knew him, will be greatly missed," Quinn said in the statement.

"His legacy will provide inspiration to generations far into the future, in China and across the world."


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